The Quieter You Become
Quotes December 30, 2013
The quieter you become, the more you can hear. – Ram Dass Ram Dass is a contemporary spiritual thinker and the author of the book, Be Here Now. Being a teacher is about practicing what you preach. Being a spiritual teacher, Ram Dass has been true to his teachings since his... Read more
If Opportunity Doesn’t Knock
Quotes December 29, 2013
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. – Milton Berle Milton Berle was a famous American comedian and actor (1908-2002). He was one of the first well-known television hosts, ultimately earning himself the nickname, Mr. Television. Born into a Jewish family in Harlem, Milton created most of his opportunities... Read more
Watch this 11-year old take on a heavy metal band in an epic guitar battle on stage
Videos December 29, 2013
Little Aidan Fisher, age 11, can play the electric guitar. Really well. All because of dedication and lots of practice. A lot of practice. That’s pretty inspired for an 11-year old boy. He idolizes famed guitarist Eddie Van Halen, and wherever he goes, he carries his guitar book so... Read more
You Only Live Once
Quotes December 29, 2013
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. -Mae West Mae West was an American actress (1893-1980) who starred in several films. She’s known for several highly quotable lines. Read more
If You Can Dream It
Quotes December 29, 2013
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney Walt Disney was a high school drop out who suffered through several business disasters and even a bankruptcy before achieving success with what has now become the Walt Disney Company. He was a driving creative force behind... Read more